The adventure of a lifetime starts tomorrow!

The adventure of a lifetime starts tomorrow!

After almost 18 months of planning and anxiously waiting, the moment has finally come. Tomorrow we’re leaving for our RTW trip! All the preparations have been made, the house has been emptied and we’ve moved in temporarily with our friends Georg and Yura. We’re officially ready to go!

The last couple of weeks have been quite hectic. We got all our necessary vaccinations (which made our wallets about €400 lighter…), bought a new backpack, moved all our stuff to my tennis coach’s house (thank you again Brenda for helping us out!), and dealt with nerve-wrecking Maltese bureaucracy. Luckily, we managed to get everything done (I received my new bank card today!), and we’re all packed and ready to go! 🙂

¡Hola México!

The first leg of the trip takes us from Malta to Rome (we will be leaving at 7.35 AM). Here we have a 5 hour layover before we take our second flight of the day to Cancun! We should arrive there at around 19.25. Here you can see a quick overview of the route we will be taking in México:


For the first 2 days we will be staying in Posada Chichen Itza, in central Cancun. After those 2 days we will be making our way to Valladolid, where we will stay about 4 days. We will then travel to Chichen Itza for 2 days (ideally we get to visit this wonder of the world in the early morning when there aren’t too many people around).

After Chichen Itza we will head over to Merida (1/2 days) and Uxmal (1 day). Then we will head back towards the coast and visit Sian Ka’an, Tulum (5 days), Playa del Carmen (4 days) before we go back to Cancun. On the 3rd of August we will be making our way to Cuba!

None of these destinations/days are fixed, as we will take it as it comes. Slow travel is what we’re aiming for. 🙂

Follow our RTW trip adventures here

Since I love writing and traveling, I will of course keep this blog going as we’re traveling the world. I will try to post as often as possible, depending on internet access, which I assume won’t be that great in Cuba… However, I will try to keep you all updated regularly!

¡Hasta luego and see you in 2019!